SATs Will Put Stronger Emphasis on Graphic Literacy
07/29/2019 SAT, ACT & High School News

As reported by Scientific American, “Fortune favors the prepared mind,” as Louis Pasteur once said. So as school revs up this month, so do SAT prep classes. Students might be surprised, however, at the amount of time dedicated to visual literacy skills. The increased focus on graphics is designed to prepare an estimated 1.6 million college-bound pupils for the first redesign of the standardized college admissions test in more than a decade.

Along with other updates from the 2016 re-launch, test takers of the SAT will encounter graphics not only in the math section as in past years but also in the reading and writing and language portions. Students will be asked to interpret information presented in tables, charts and graphs and to correct text so it accurately describes data found in accompanying figures. Read the rest of the article here.

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