There’s a surprising correlation between students’ SAT scores and the amount of loans they take on
06/21/2017 SAT, ACT & High School News

(Business Insider) by Abby Jackson.

Student-loan debt in the US has grown to a staggering $1.3 trillion, and the average 2016 graduate will have to repay more than $37,000.

While it’s clear that college is more expensive than ever, surprisingly, there’s a correlation between the amount a student pays for tuition and their SAT score.

“The data show a correlation between higher SAT scores and lower average student debt,” according to Nitro, which conducted the study.

Nitro, an online resource that helps incoming college students plan their education financing, examined SAT scores, median student-loan debt at graduation, and median earnings 10 years after graduation at 1,300 colleges and universities.

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