ACT to Invest in ProExam, an Innovator in Noncognitive Assessment and Professional Credentialing

“Education and workplace success require a holistic set of skills, including cognitive and noncognitive skills,” said ACT Chief Executive Officer Marten Roorda. “This investment will allow ACT to tap into ProExam’s expertise in noncognitive assessment, credentialing and consulting. Our goal is to connect noncognitive assessment, which ProExam understands as well as anyone in the world, […]

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California Refuses District Request to Use SAT Instead of State Test

(Education Week)  By Catherine Gewertz. California’s Long Beach school district grabbed an opportunity offered by the Every Student Succeeds Act: It asked the state for permission to use the SAT college-entrance exam instead of the state’s required Smarter Balanced test in high school. The state said no, becoming the first in the country to reject […]

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